daily drift

Light Fantastic

Got my camera back. I knew I would.


It’s late. It’s Sunday night (Monday morning.) Amoeba Music just had its annual Holiday party. I got some pretty spectacular pictures. But I’m home now and I realize that my camera is sitting atop a pinball machine in the warehouse where the party was thrown. Let’s all pray for its return.


Lifehacker has an amusing and helpful article about the Annual Family Computer Fixing event – that tradition wherein we go home, eat turkey, sip wine and re-combobulate the parents’ hard drive. Among the suggestions: Switch the default browser to Firefox (which I actually just talked my Mom through,) do a spyware/adware sweep, defrag the hard […]

con mail

Seems to me that the most successful con artists would be the articulate ones. Smooth talkers get better results. As the saying goes, you attract more flies with honey. So why is so much spam so poorly written? That’s what I’m wondering when I glance at the following email: So lovely pictures !! God bless […]

Election Day

I’m running late this morning. It’s one of my long days, wherein I go in to one job at 10:00 AM and emerge from another, battered and bruised, at around 11:00 PM. So the only way I’m gonna get time to vote is this morning. But as I said, I’m running late. I think I’m […]


This is so me:


Still rooting through old stuff, deciding what to throw out, what to frame and what to burn. In one box I discover my old Western Digital Caviar 2170 hard drive. The capacity? 170 Megs. My current hard drive could hold 147 of these. And that was my big drive. My smaller drive was 80 Megs. […]

Zombie Talk

“What’s your favorite way,” I ask Matt at work, “to kill zombies underwater?” Tim answers before Matt can get his mind around the question. “I’d pull him down to the bottom and get his toe stuck in the drain.” It takes us a moment to realize that in his imagination, an underwater zombie battle takes […]

Dragon Magazine

As I dig deeper and deeper through my collections and piles of worldly things I find more and more stuff that I just don’t need. Case in point: sixty-two issues of DRAGON MAGAZINE that I’ve been carting around since I was a pre-teen Fantasy Gamer. Don’t get me wrong. I love these old issues. The […]

More Rain

I mention the rain in yesterday’s post, but I forget to post the picture I’d taken of the deluge outside my apartment. I veer off on that Eric Shaeffer rant instead. I think it’s because yesterday is Lauren’s birthday and I feel like I’d rather write about a director who drives me crazy than compose […]


Once again, the skies have opened up over Los Angeles. Seems to be getting an early start this year, and I was just getting into that tiny little bit of Fall. And hey, speaking of Fall, does anyone remember seeing that movie Fall, by Eric Schaeffer? I love Eric Schaeffer. And I hate him. He’s […]


Hey, I’m blogging from work. I’m on a quick break (fifteen minutes) and I already squandered most of it on a tuns fish sandwich. Time’s running out, so I’m under a little stress here to think of something interesting to say. Sure I could write about the terrible situation in Afghanistan. Or the interesting situation […]

Back in Action

It’s a long evening of repairing my computer, but it seems to back up and running again. It’s still sluggish, but I can live with that for now. I want to post about a few things, but it’s late now, and I have two long days ahead of me. Tuesday I’m working a double shift […]


I get out of work at 11:15, walk with Jackie and Maryann to the new Amoeba parking quarters on Sunset, take Jackie home and then hop on the 101. I’m headed for Carbon, where Ned Learner (co-Amoebite, Nick Pinto, really) is spinning his usual thread of Hip-Hop and scratch heavy dance vibes tonight. It’s about […]

fire & bunnies

Fires sweep Los Angeles. We lose 24,000 acres of greenery. We lose one house. We lose no people. But we forget about the animals. Imagine how many of them we lost. My friend tells me a story, relayed to her by her father, who lives in Chatsworth. He’s watching the fire from his house. He […]