Author Archives: will

The Return Of The Blog

I’m in New Mexico. An opportunity came up. I’m gonna house-sit here in Santa Fe for eight months. That means I’ve got nothing but time. And what am I going to do with all this time? Well, write, of course. And detox a little. The Hollywood smog was getting under my skin. But also, it’s […]

Coachella Wrap Up

I return from the desert very early Monday morning. The next day I work. And then the day after that, I work. At last, Wednesday, I get to crash. And crash, I do. I completely shut down for the day, dehydrated, lethargic, cranky. It’s not until today that I’m able to sort through the last […]

Coachella Day 3

I’m back in Hollywoodland. Pics and videos of Day 3 coming soon.

Coachella Day 2

The temps get higher, the music gets louder. Today there’s more for me to check out, but most of what I really want to see is in the heat of the day. So I stock up on water and just deal with it. There are some more pics on the Flickr set. And I put […]


No, I’m not blogging yet. But I guess I am, though only to show you a few of the sights and sounds of Coachella 2007. Here’s a link to the Flickr set. Here’s a link to my movie page, with some nifty little clips of Faithless, Benny Benassi and the “Do Lab.” More to come.

Shh! I’m thinking!

Okay, so it’s taking me a little longer than I expected to get Mark II rolling. I’m still planning the blog, deciding quite how I’m going to proceed. But in the meantime, I’ve got the three jobs. I’ve got the scripts underway. And now I’m trying to juggle simultaneous readings of Stephen King, J.K […]


Did you notice? I haven’t posted anything in a couple weeks. That’s because this blog is going on a temporary hiatus. Very temporary. I’ll certainly be back. And when I return, I’ll be blogging with more focus. As much as I enjoy blogging about whatever strikes my fancy, I decided that this thing is in […]

Michael Keefe: The Year In Music

A year ago, music advisor, string-plucker and minstrel extraordinaire, Michael Keefe, advised on his ten favorite albums of 2005. Another year has come and gone and this time he’s got twenty albums in his top ten. Check out the full explanation here. I have my own list, and even though it’s getting rather late, I […]

Coachella Rumor?

Stereogum reports that yesterday, Golden Voice, the promoters behind the Coachella Music Festival, made a certain number of three day passes available for $200. The discount code, apparently, was ‘Roxanne.’ I know there are no lineup confirmations (though people seem to think David Bowie is dropping in) but with the recent news of the 30-year […]

The Tenth Dimension

I’m standing on the corner of Fuller and Santa Monica. I’m about to cross the street to Trader Joe’s to pick up something to eat for today. Then it occurs to me as I cross the street that I left my wallet back on my kitchen counter. So I stop and retreat to the curb. […]

Black Dahlia at Sixty

Sixty years ago this morning the body of Elizabeth Short was found. Carve a moment of silence out of your day to remember her. … Okay. Seems there were/are a host of activities around the Los Angeles to commemorate the event this past weekend. The most ambitious of them is The Lost Weekend package, a […]

Waiting for Beckham

Say hello to David, Hollywood. For the past couple days, there hasn’t been a radio program on KCRW and KPCC that hasn’t managed to work in a segment about the impending arrival of wonder kids, David and Victoria Beckham, except maybe Good Food, but then I haven’t heard the latest edition yet. What does this […]

Evolution of a Slob

Weirder, but in its own way, still as effective. It’s a clever spoof of yesterday’s post.

Evolution Of Beauty

Nicely done. Few realize just what can be done with Photoshop.

Big Room Drama

At last, I’ve solved a long time music mystery. I’ve ID’d a mystery track that’s eluded me for a long time. Four years ago I pick up a copy of one of Pete Tong’s Essential Mix radio programs. The guest for that night is Mr. John Digweed, who proceeds to lay down one of my […]